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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Over The Break Assignment

Hi Students---

I hope by now you are enjoying your Christmas vacation. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful writing i received from you on the Friday before the break. I am grateful that many of you know how to write a four square essay and others are developing. When we return on January third, you will be  expected to bring in 2 book reports with covers. The first is based on literature, of which you can have read to you on one of the literature links i provided on this blog. There are several sites for e-books and others to have books read aloud. The second book report has to be non-fiction. This simply means to report on something you read that is actual fact or rather a true story. If you don't have subtopics, use three of the five w's Be sure to use the 4 square format and include a completed graphic organizer with transitions and bullet the response under each subtopic. If you can type your book report and bring both in with the argument summary on Tuesday January 3, 2012 .  You will see links with the assignment and also the 4 square template.
Meanwhile, I am wishing you a happy Holiday season and a Happy New Years.
See you in 2012.
Stay safe.
Ms. Abu

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