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Monday, January 16, 2012

Word Meaning In Context

Word Meaning in Context--

Is the ELA skill of the week worked on by Ms. Abu in all her classes this week.

We will look at defining vocabulary words in context by way of Jabberwocky (A Nonsense Poem by Lewis Carroll). Next, we will read a New York Times Non-Fiction text dated November 22, 2010, entitled Jay-Z Deconstructs Himself by  Michko Kakutani. There is a tremendous amount of unknown words in this article. Therefore, you will spend time independently  learning these words through the Quizlet site linked on your left, Through dictionary work and sharing with the Ten Most Important Words strategy in class which we will do on Wednesday January 18, 2012 after Tuesday's  classwork.  

In addition, supplemental homework handouts will be given in class to reinforce vocabulary words in context and a word find will also be included to embed the new words, so that they will be retained. All of the words we are learning will be added to the word wall and a test will be added in the future

I want you to be successful. Please do your homework.
Thank you,

Ms. Abu

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