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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Download and Read these Instructions

 Hi SHR Scholars,

These strategies come from an ELA Teacher from the NYC DOE. The strategies are excellent and I am sharing them with you. Print them out and  think about the ways in which the ideas can help you on the test.
We give credit to Ms. LoParrino who is a Reading Teacher.


Every resource is helpful as we move towards the finish line.
Wishing you good success

Some ELA Test Taking Strategies to Reflect on Over the Break

ELA Test Taking Strategies

Hi SHR Scholars;
 I am trusting that everyone is as prepared as they will ever be for the upcoming ELA test. I know that every one has worked hard and will do well. The ball is in your park. I know that you will be a smashing success because you know deep down inside that you are a winner.  Since, all winner's win, I am counting on you to do your very best to score high and exceed even your expectation. You have excellent teachers, who have nurtured you all year and I am adding some tips that will benefit you to review during  the Spring Break.

Wishing you all the best,

 Ms. Abu
For Short Answer Response and Multiple Choice
Use these strategies to achieve the best success on the ELA exam

When you are able to--Always preview the test
Once your teacher says you may begin look through the test. Do not start reading right away
Ask yourself as you go directly to the questions:
  • What are the questions?
  • What do I need to underline in the question stem to give me a purpose for reading? 
  • Make sure you understand the "specific'' question.( It may be inferred)
  •  How will I need to answer? Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, Essay
  • Once a purpose is set for reading--number your paragraphs
  • You are now ready to read the passage with the questions you have to answer in your head.
  • When you have located the answer, go back and verify, confirm that you have the answer by re reading the question.
Preview the passages too:
  • What is the title and/or subtitle?
  • What do the pictures tell you?
  • What do you already know about this topic?
  • What kind of passage is it, story, article, fable, poem, folk tale,...

Multiple Choice Tests
*A new twist on process of elimination that works better:
Cover the answer choices and come up with your own guess first. THEN look at the answers and pick the one that was closest to your guess.
*Don't forget to check back in the passage - small details that you won't remember can make a BiG difference in choosing the right answer!

Types of Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Always go back to the passage to find the sentence. Look in the sentences around it to find clues to the right answer.
  2. Read the sentence given with a blank in place of the word they want you to define - think of your own word!
  3. Look at the answer choices, which word is closest to the word you were thinking?

  1. Find the answer back in the passage by scanning for the key word in the question.
  2. Reread the whole paragraph with those key words.
  3. If you are still unsure, take your best guess and circle the number in your test booklet. With your extra time at the end, go back to the circled question, then reread the ENTIRE story to see if you can learn more to answer the question correctly.

Main Idea
  1. Use the title or subtitle as a clue.
  2. Look at the first few sentences or paragraph of the passage.
  3. Look for the key word or idea that is mentioned AT LEAST 3 times THROUGHOUT the ENTIRE passage. Think: what are they talking about in the beginning, middle, AND end.

  1. Even when the question says "What do you think," you have to use clues from the story to find the right answer. There is only ONE right answer.
  2. Use your own background knowledge to make a logical conclusion.
  3. REMEMBER: Story clues + Background knowledge = Inference (the answer!)

Listening on the ELA
On the state test there is a listening section in Book 2 for all grades. A story is read to you twice while you can take notes. Then you will have to answer questions based on the story.

Tips for taking notes: YOU MUST TAKE NOTES. Do not rely on your memory.
  1.  Begin with a simple chronological list or a concept web or Cornell.
  2. Use phrases, abbreviation, and key words not sentences.
  3. Avoid note-taking acronyms because you will get nervous and cause you to leave out important details 
  4. The first time you take notes leave spaces in between your notes. The second time you listen to the story, fill in any details you missed.
  5. Don't worry about spelling the names of people or places, they will be written in the directions or the questions for you later.
  6. Try to see what is happening in "3s." Three problems that happen, or three ways they tried to solve a problem. There is usually questions about those details.
  7. Try to make a picture/movie in your head that is filled with details (it's a rainy day, there is food on the floor). These visuals make the story easier to remember.

Short Answers on the ELA
There is usually a short answer question in the multiple choice section and the listening section. A short answer is really not that short. Follow these tips:
  1. Restate the question as you begin your answer so you are sure you are answering the question they have asked.
  2. For details use actual words from the passage! That is the only way to get full credit on these questions. Even if you have to quote a whole sentence it is ok!
  3. Fill up all the lines and then some! In this case more is better. Even if part of your answer is not quite right, you can still get full credit if you have enough correct details!
  4. Reread what you have written when you finish. Fix your answer for missing words and unclear sentences.
  5. Then before you move on to the next question, REREAD THE QUESTION you just answered!!!! This way you will be sure you answered the whole thing.
  6. Use your short answer checklist:

  • Topic sentence
  • Transition words
  • Details
  • Concluding sentence
Be careful to make sure if the question asks you for just "one" detail that you do not give extra. Multiple details will give you a wrong answer when you are asked for ONE.

Essays on the ELA (6th & 8th grade only) Use your planning page-- Quickly map a four square
Trust me it will help you in the long run!

Organizing an essay is easier than you think. Just follow this simple list when planning your essay:
Introduction paragraph - Use words from the question to introduce the reader to what your essay will be about. Gently hook the reader. You only need to make it 2 -3 sentences. Make sure your "hook" ties in.

Body paragraph 1 - Use the first bullet as your topic sentence. Then use words DIRECTLY from the passage(s) as your details to support the topic.

Body paragraph 2 - Use the second bullet as your topic sentence. Then use words DIRECTLY from the passage(s) as your details to support the topic.

Body paragraph 3 - Use the third bullet as your topic sentence. Unless the third bullet says, "Use details from both passages..." then you don't need a body 3 paragraph!

Concluding paragraph - Use words from the question to and reword part of your introduction to let the reader know what you wrote about. Don't forget to use good concluding transition words and a little voice here!
Note you do not need to have a 5 paragraph essay. Only if you are comparing and contrasting or using details from two passages do you need to worry about a 5 paragraph essay.

Above all don't forget to reread the question before you have finished writing your essay, so you are sure you answered ALL parts. Also, reread your essay twice - once to revise the wording and once to fix capitals, periods, commas, etc.